ECE News

October 23, 2020

ECE Professor B.S. Manjunath contributes to the worldwide fight against the Coronavirus

October 23, 2020

ECE Professor João Hespanha contributes to the worldwide fight against the Coronavirus

October 20, 2020

Professor Chris Palmstrøm's group focuses on integrating materials with different electronic and magnetic properties, ranging from semiconducting and insulating to metals and superconductors, in order to create single crystal epitaxial structures to be used in novel devices

October 15, 2020

ECE Professors Ramtin Pedarsani and Mahnoosh Alizadeh project with high-impact potential seeking to solve grand challenges of energy efficiency awarded seed funding from UCSB’s Institute for Energy Efficiency 

October 15, 2020

ECE Professors Zheng Zhang (CE) and Galan Moody (EP) project with high-impact potential seeking to solve grand challenges of energy efficiency awarded seed funding from UCSB’s Institute for Energy Efficiency 

September 29, 2020

UCSB Electrical Engineer Junkai Jiang and Sociologist Annie Hikido receive 2020 Winifred and Louis Lancaster Dissertation Awards

September 14, 2020

In its 2021 listing of the “Top Public Schools, U.S. News & World Report ranks UC Santa Barbara No. 6

September 9, 2020

Prof. John Bowers and researchers from UCSB, Caltech, and EPFL developed a way to integrate an optical frequency comb on a silicon photonic chip

August 13, 2020

Archie L. Holmes (PhD EE '97) has been named the next executive vice chancellor of academic affairs at The University of Texas System by Chancellor James B. Milliken

July 24, 2020

ECE PhD Joseph McMahan receives Outstanding Dissertation Award honorable mention from ACM SIGARCH/IEEE CS TCCA